Tenerife Surf Trip

Tenerife was a great experience, although Magicseaweed and others who have surfed Spanish left described it as being hard to surf there because of localism. I had a whole different experience and made friends with the locals. The first time I paddled out one of the locals kindly explained to me their rules at Spanish left, but every day they would let me have plenty of world class waves because I respected them. One day was quite big and heavy and I pulled into the barrel and went over the falls and ended up snapping my board which was really upsetting.

The water was so clear and about 20 deg C, I wore my 3-2 xcel Infinity wetsuit which was perfect, such a good flexible suit.  Some locals surfed in boardshorts but I didn’t think it was that warm.


Nearly everyday was pumping, with clean 3-4ft perfect waves and conditions, I scored some of my best waves, and also some of my biggest a few days were 5-6ft.

There are quite a few other reef breaks all within walking distance. Although they all break over volcanic reef the rocks on the left are pretty flat and covered in soft seaweed, the rights however were quite sharp and not as flat.


I did surf a nice right a couple times but couldn’t get enough of Spanish Left, it was that good, can’t wait to go back…

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